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6 Ways to drive business using your Marquee Sign

Posted by Patrick Case on

Readerboards, also known as Marquees, have been around since the 1920’s and have been a very successful tool for communicating whatever it is you are offering to the public. Whether it features the name of the show playing, talks to the community, offers a special price on a product, informs the public you are taking applications, or introduces your New Featured Product, readerboards have been playing a valuable communication role for many years.

Funny Readerboard Sign

It is so important to make sure that your sign isn’t only getting the message across but that it is the right message. We see far too many signs with as much information crammed onto the readerboard as possible. Even worse are electronic signs with messages flashing by so fast that no one can read them, especially while driving by in traffic. Here are 6 ways to get your message read and drive up sales!

Send us your crazy ideas, things that have worked, or even failed. Send in a photo of your readerboard with your message and we’ll give you 15% OFF on your next order.

Talk to your community. Put up short simple messages of local interest. It doesn’t always have to be the next special. Tell Martha HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Congratulate the local High School Team, Thank the local Fire Dept., and then put your special on the bottom line to be read all week. This will work wonders…

Less Is More. Don’t try to cram so much information on your readerboard that no one can read it. Remember, most of your customers are passing by in excess of 30 mph and are glancing quickly at your message. Make it easy to understand.

Beware of abbreviations. In the age of LMAO and BRB it can be tempting to abbreviate on your readerboard. Be careful! Often abbreviations can be misunderstood or incomprehensible altogether. Without a secret decoder ring, no one can read your encrypted message.

Keep it Fresh. Even when you don’t have a special offer, put a local message up. Tell the community, Thank You for your business, tell someone Happy Anniversary, something to keep people reading your board so that when you do have an offer on your board, more people will read it.

Use Punctuation! Punctuation helps make your message more readable and easily understood.

Always Check Your Spelling. This could be the most important thing you do, we’ve seen some real doozies.

Use Humor. Whenever possible, use humor to grab your reader’s attention. Try a different joke every week with the punch line on the opposite side of your board. You will have them smiling before they ever walk into your store.

Ask a Question. Use your readerboard to ask a question with a prize inside for the right answers. This is an excellent way to increase foot traffic and transaction count. If they come inside, half the battle is already won. (sample photo here. I’d like to see one of Angles photos)

We look forward to hearing from you.

Patrick Case


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