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Keep Em’ Looking

Posted by Patrick Case on

How would you like the people in your town to help you advertise your business?

Sure you would!!! We all know that word of mouth advertising is the best advertising there is. Your readerboard can literally do this for you. I’m serious!  Imagine people all over town, at work, and in the stores, talking about you, even calling each other on the phone to talk about your business. Seriously, this can be done. It’s not hard and you can do it without spending a dime.

Most Readerboards have four rows for changeable copy messages, use three rows for a message of community interest and the last row for the $1.99 special of the week.

The secret is in the message.

What I’m talking about are the messages and specials on your Readerboard. Don’t laugh, your Readerboard can honestly become a Community Message Center. Businesses are almost always about themselves. All they ever have on their Readerboards are Special this, or Wednesday special that. What they should have on their Readerboards are messages of local interest with some special offer on the last line.

Here are some simple examples…

- Tell a joke on your reader board Monday thru Thursday with the punch line put up on Friday for the weekend. Remember to put your special at the bottom where it will get read all week long.

- Talk about the senior talent show and congratulate the winner. Keep that special at the bottom for everyone to read.

- Happy 4th Of July!,  Watch Fireworks In The Park 9PM (Keep that special at the bottom)

- Offer Bets and give away a prize to the first 20 winners!

- Thank Local Fire fighters for rescuing Suzie’s Cat

- Advertise the local art or car show



Whatever… Anything of local interest is of interest. Just always keep some worthwhile special on the bottom. The public will talk about your place, people will make it a point to come by just to see what you’re saying next, and I guarantee lots of people will stop in to say something about what you have up on your reader board. While there they’ll buy the special or something else. You’ll easily increase your sales without spending a dime.

Folks, this is NOT theory. I did this with our local hardware store and they honestly had people coming in just to talk about their sign. I heard about it all over town! You can do this and it makes a BIG difference! And it won’t cost you a dime…

Call us, we’re here to help.

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